Thursday, April 30, 2015

The city is burning

As I write this today, the city of Baltimore is the newest target of thuggery.  I don't know the facts of what has happened that is supposed to have generated this but it is wrong on so many fronts.

Our constitution state we have the right peaceful protest.  This is not peaceful protest, much of what is being done is criminal at best and savage and barbaric at worst.  How does a civil society unravel to this place; looting, destruction of property, mugging.  How does this further the cause?  It doesn't!  It reveals the heart of a people.

I am so sick of hearing people who are supposed to know the victim, are friends or family of victim talking about how good and nice they were but in the next action throwing fire bombs, rock, beating people, looting stores, set cars and buildings on fire.  If we are known by the company that we keep how can this speak of the good of the victims or anyone else in this situations when their acquaintances are nothing more than criminals and rebels?

"Its the cops fault" is the cry of the mob.  And truly, I have seen some despicable things done by law enforcement in these incidents but there is no justification for anarchy, bedlam, rioting etc.  Again it demonstrates the heart of these masses is criminal.  Though faining outrage, they are rebellious, selfish individuals looking for an excuse to rob, steal, kill and destroy.

Please don't come back and talk to me about oppression, profiling, racism and the like.  That is a whole lot of garbage.  Its a ridiculous excuse that has been over used to the point it means little.  Racism isn't anything new.  It has been around forever; since the first time two people groups squared off and one was conquered by the other.  No one group has had it worse than any other group.  Racism is basically bullying based on our place of origin and we all hate bullying, don't we? Because we have all fallen prey to bullying, right?

So do the incidents of recent days, Fergusson MO, New York, and now Baltimore, reflect a racist culture or are they a reflection of misplaced values and misapplication of power on the part of the police and law enforcement?  Probably the latter and not the former.  But, you must answer the question of given the same set to circumstances; what would you have done in the same situation?  It's easy to judge when you don't have to walk in someone else's shoes.

What this shows me is we have a heart problem in America.  We are heart sick; sick at the heart.  Our life is tied into trying to satisfy the American dream and to get all of it we can so we step across our fellow men and women, sometimes stepping on them, in order to try to satisfy our hunger for happiness and pleasure.

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