Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Good Friday, a day Christians to refer to as when Jesus was crucified.  This is western thinking if we hold it to the actual day time day.

In all actuality, Jesus crucifixion took place on Thursday with His actual death taking place at the beginning of the Jewish Friday which was Thursday evening.

You might say, where did I come up with this?

Remember Genesis?  "it was evening and morning the first day" and so on.  The day of Jews begins at evening and ends at the evening following.  The scripture bears this out as the Jewish leaders came to Pilate and requested they hasten the deaths of the condemned as Passover was at hand and it would have been defiling for the bodies to have remained on the crosses during the holiday.  So it isn't really about "Good Friday" but about His death occurring at the beginning of Friday, the evening of the previous day.

Yes Jesus did raise from the dead on the Sunday, which is the first day of the week and He was definitely in the tomb for 3 days.

This time is an incredible time of God revealing His pointing to this time in history through the feast of Passover.  Tonight at our church, we will celebrate the feast in a Seder.  It is such a powerful time of seeing God's foretelling of His provision for all mankind that relationship between ourselves and Him could be restored.


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