Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

For a moment set aside all of what you have heard about this day called Palm Sunday.  You know the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.

In the American church, we have heard that Jerusalem responded to Jesus riding into it's streets with shouts of adoration and excitement.  In fact you may have heard, "they were sang His praises on Sunday and cried for His death on Thursday." This is so far from the truth it is unbelievable how we could have held such a thought.

The truth is this is the day the Passover lamb was chosen and a special lamb for Israel was paraded through the streets.  It had a tag tied around it's neck which identified it as such.  The lamb was headed through the streets of the city on it's way to the Temple where it would be on display for the next four days for everyone to look at and examine it to ensure it was "without spot or blemish".  This is what the city was cheering about.

O there were those who were part of Jesus entourage who were praising Him as they believed He was to be king.  But the masses were not praising Him.  Jesus came into the city as the procession was heading toward the headed for the temple which is where He was headed as well.  Isn't it interesting that for the next 4 days He was on display at the temple for all to test, examine and ensure that He was without fault, sin or blemish.  The Pharisees, Sadducees, lawyers, scribes, Herod, Pilate, Counsel and all of those who were there daily to hear His teaching had to say, "they could find no fault in Him."

So the stage was set for Jesus to be the Passover Lamb for all of human kind.

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